1st European Nanofabrication Research Infrastructure Symposium - ENRIS 2017
The 1st European conference on cleanroom operation, management and user training took place in Trondheim on May 8 – 9, 2017. The meeting was initiated with an organ concert in the Nidaros Cathedral, hosted by Trondheim municipality, followed by a welcome reception. The following one-and-a-half day program included presentations on the following topics: National infrastructures for nanostructuring
• Sustainability
• Laboratory information systems
• Financing models and pricing
• Efficiency
• Community interaction/innovation
In addition, guided visits to NTNU NanoLab were arranged. All together, 122 leaders and experts from 38 cleanroom infrastructures and 13 companies, from 20 countries participated at the meeting and the commercial exhibition. ENRIS 2017 was organized by the Nordic Nanolab Network in cooperation with EuroNanoLab. The next ENRIS will take place in 2019 at the University of Twente, The Netherlands.

Participants at ENRIS 2017. Photo: Per Henning/NTNU.
Presentations at ENRIS available here for participants (requires login).
Nordic Nanolab User Meeting – NNUM 2017
The Nordic Nanolab User Meeting, NNUM2017 took place on May 9 – 10, starting after lunch in the same venue as ENRIS. The meeting was organized by the Nordic Nanolab Network (NNN) and constituted the third user meeting on a Nordic level, continuing the longer tradition of Myfab’s user meetings in Sweden.
The aim of NNUM was to offer a meeting place for PhD-students, post docs, researchers and engineers working in the field of nanostructuring and -characterization. These meetings address experimental issues through technical tutorials covering the central disciplines of nanofabrication: etching techniques, thin film technologies, lithography and characterization. As additional inspiration, four invited speakers gave presentations of their work. The participants also had the opportunity to present their own research at a poster session. For the first time, a poster prize of 5000 NOK in travel support to attend an international conference was awarded. The prize was given to Einar Digernes from NTNU for the poster: “Complex oxide samples for scanning tunnelling X-ray microscopy”.
Finally, NTNU NanoLab and NorTEM offered guided tours. The interest for these tours exceeded the capacity, due to a tight schedule before the conference dinner on Tuesday evening. All together 263 people attended NNUM2017, which was supported by the Research Council of Norway.The next meeting, NNUM2019 will be arranged in Denmark and hosted by DTU Danchip/Cen.
Presentations at NNUM available here for participants (requires login).
Acknowledgements: The Research Council of Norway is thanked for generous support to NNUM (Nano2021 grant 272709/O70).
In addition, the participation of the users was supported by their respective national infrastructures, Myfab, NorFab (through RCN grant 245963/F50), as well as DTU Danchip and VTT/Aalto University at Micronova.
We would also like to thank the following exhibitors for support to both ENRIS and NNUM:
• STS-Elionix
• Low2High Vacuum AB
• Oxford Instruments Nordiska AB
• Blue Scientific Ltd
• Agilent Technologies, Ilab Operation Software
• Kompauto Norway As
• Thermo Fisher Scientific
• Vakuum-service As
• Nanoscribe GmbH
• Polyteknik AS
• SwissLitho AG
• Raith Gmbh
• Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik GmbH